Thursday, May 17, 2007

Do not mess with God, a letter.

Ok I will try to make a short story shorter. Once upon a time i tried to make a deal with God that i would follow his word everywhere. I was actually high on weed at that time but i was thinkin about religious things which is ironic. I shouldn't have, anyway, the thing is i was smoking weed and reading the Bible and getting these messages that what i was doing was wrong. But as experience has proved, you understand things with time, so in time i realized it was God that showed itself to me while i smoking tellin me to stop, not the the other way around. U know.. smoking weed to find God. So in order to keep my promise that i should keep it short..ok.. then.. i .. said (while smoking weed) God.. if i do anything wrong tell me along the way, and make me pay for my sins in this life, i mean is logical right. anyway.. Little did i know God actually does keep his word and while the whole while i kept abusing with drugs and things of that nature, He really did make me feel like like a looser, but he still let me live for a reason.. well what's the reason would you say.. to tell the story .. right.. yeah.. so here i go i tell my story, and i make promises i won't keep, but i pray i do. so let's see...

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among other things i sleep eat and pollute the environment