Thursday, May 31, 2007


i moved over here coz this blog got louzy...:!?....


Goodbye kids!!!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Scientists have long believed that mature brains can't grow or change other than losing cells with age. Now new research has reversed that dogma. Scientists found that London cab drivers' brains change as they memorize the city's layout. Growth occurs in the hippocampus of the cabbies, the area of the brain associated with memory and navigation.

Alan asks van Praag about exercise and the brain
In "Grow Your Own Brain," Fred Gage of the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California, uses an bright green dye to confirm the existence of newborn cells in adult humans' brains. And Henriette van Praag has discovered that running twelve hours a night not only makes mice grow new brain cells, but makes the mice smarter too. No one knows for sure what that means for humans, but Alan Alda for one is anxious to find out if a little less running has the same effect.

more links here

SNF magazine

CBS news

Sunday, May 27, 2007

picture of me here.. messing with the picassa program.. eh.. pretty good for a beginer
Posted by Picasa

Saturday, May 26, 2007

good job kid

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Respect your elders.. you freakin idiot

..that's for sending me to the retirement home biatch...!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Ushtari i rruges

ALbanian Hip hOp - NYce BEats lyrics and message

I was watching a special on Sundance Channel about Dave Chappelle and his Grandmother Maya Angelou, this story picked up..

Maya Angelou tells a story about the first time she met Tupac Shakur. It was on the set of the movie Poetic Justice by acclaimed director John Singleton. She left her trailer one day and encountered two young black men having a heated conversation. One of them was particularly worked up. He was cursing rampantly and had a grip on the other guy's shirt.

Dr. Angelou stepped in between the young men. She looked at the one who was the most worked up and asked him, "Do you know how important you are?" He began to turn his anger on her. Many other women would have been too scared to approach these young men or too intimidated to speak to them. However, Dr. Angelou brushed off his gruff demeanor and angry persona and asked again and again, "Do you know how important you are?"

When he got quiet enough to listen she asked him, "Do you realize how many of your ancestors lay in the holds of slave ships in their and others blood, excrement, urine and vomit for you? Do you know how many mothers stood on an auction block and endured the indignity of being examined and sold like livestock so that you could exist? Do you know how important it was to your ancestors that they survive so that you could live?"

The young man began to cry. Janet Jackson came upon them and told Dr. Angelou she was also talking to Tupac Shakur.

Shortly after the encounter, Afeni Shakur, Tupac's mother, called Dr. Angelou and thanked her for what she had said. Afeni Shakur told her that what she said had such a profound impact on him it probably saved his life.

I think about that story when I think about young people today. So many of them are willing to throw their lives away for such minor things. They are willing to fight and die for the most minute offenses but won't think of how their life and how they live it impact our present and the future.

Most of us will not have a far reaching impact on the world like a Tupac Shakur but that does not diminish our importance. It doesn't change the fact that each of us can make much needed contributions.

When Dr. Angelou stepped in between those young brothers, not knowing who either of them was, she didn't ask those questions of Tupac with the intention of inspiring him to change the world. She was asking him to look at himself and his actions in the context of what it took for him to even exist in this world. She was asking him to examine whether his present actions were worth the sacrifice others have made so that he could live.

Our youth need to know that they matter. Our youth need to know their being alive is no accident and that it can have a significant impact not just on their future but on all our futures. This is true, though, not just for young people but for all of us.

The choices we make, the way we interact with others, the contributions we give may seem insignificant in comparison to what our ancestors went through. They may seem to have little connection to what will happen generations down the road. The acts of one person can seem inconsequential in the scope of world issues.

We have to remember, though, that for every great iconic figure in this world and throughout history, there were dozens of nameless people who made choices and decisions that created ripples of change. Each of us must know our importance. We must remember that our lives count for something.

We must honor what has been endured for us and determine what we are willing to endure for the sake of the future.

Change happens through the acts of individuals. Each of us can do something to bring about positive change for the problems facing our world. One voice can stop genocide if it speaks loudly and often enough. One act can stop hunger if it is done with commitment. One moment can heal a person if it is given with compassion.

Each of us has a legacy to leave and ultimately only we can decide what that legacy will be and who will benefit or suffer from it.

Mariel Blake, a Daily News
contributing columnist, can be reached at:

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Ali G - on the topic of sex Rated R

PEaCE AOUT !!!!(what up what up.. is he muslim or jewish...where did Ali come from?)

Do not mess with God, a letter.

Ok I will try to make a short story shorter. Once upon a time i tried to make a deal with God that i would follow his word everywhere. I was actually high on weed at that time but i was thinkin about religious things which is ironic. I shouldn't have, anyway, the thing is i was smoking weed and reading the Bible and getting these messages that what i was doing was wrong. But as experience has proved, you understand things with time, so in time i realized it was God that showed itself to me while i smoking tellin me to stop, not the the other way around. U know.. smoking weed to find God. So in order to keep my promise that i should keep it short..ok.. then.. i .. said (while smoking weed) God.. if i do anything wrong tell me along the way, and make me pay for my sins in this life, i mean is logical right. anyway.. Little did i know God actually does keep his word and while the whole while i kept abusing with drugs and things of that nature, He really did make me feel like like a looser, but he still let me live for a reason.. well what's the reason would you say.. to tell the story .. right.. yeah.. so here i go i tell my story, and i make promises i won't keep, but i pray i do. so let's see...

Monday, May 14, 2007

Compliments to the Albanian race

I feel bad about posting this video here but it's not intended in the bad way, is just here to make you realize and make you proud of who you are.. this Could be the most beautiful race as Lord Byron said (hurdher)... ;)..or

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The truth needs to be told..

Click here to read the article This is what's going down and who the albanian ppl are. This one from a non-biased well known publisher. Made my day!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

I forgot...This is a good movie..

I know i know you seen the movie but what if it was real cause of concern.. God Forbid... whatch this..

intrevista.. inspiruar nga candyland

a) Lumturia e plotë për ju është?
E paarritshme
2a) Çfarë ju bën të çoheni në mëngjes?

3a)Hera e fundit që u shkritë në të qeshur?
, Portokallia e Sales me Tosin si fatosa shkolle

4a) Vetia kryesore e karakterit tënd, cila është?
Sinqeriteti, dembelizmi

5a) Mangësia juaj kresore?
Dembemelizmi dhe ndoshta kokebutesia

6a)Në cilat gabime tregoheni më tolerant?
Amerika na ka mesuar te tolerojm ne infinit.. dicka e till

7a)Me cilën figurë historike, je i apasionuar?
winston churchill. abraham linconl

8a)Cilët janë sot, heronjtë tuaj?
Mami im dhe activistet e te drejtave te njeriut

9a)Udhëtimi juaj më i dashur?
Do jete vajta ne Pesacola Beach again i hope..
10a) Shkrimtarët tuaj më të dashur ?
Dostojevski, Esenini, autoret ruse ne pergjithesi, dhe shume te tjere.
''''skip this question....Khalil Gibran - The Prophet
11a) Cilin virtyt, vlerësoni tek një burrë?
aftesine per te qene njekohesisht burreror dhe i ndjeshem
...kto do i mbushim me vone se tashi esht nje ndeshje sporti..!!:D
12a)...dhe tek një grua?
zgjuarsine dhe te qenit femer

13a) Kompozitori juaj i prefeuar?
hmm..Vivaldi ndoshta..po ja fus kot

14a)Këngën që fishkëllen kur je në dush?
fishkellimat e mia lene shume per te deshiruar :D

15a)Libri me mbresëlënës?
Jam duke lexuar "Angela's Ashes" nje histori e vertete plot me dhimbje, qe po me le shume mbresa.

16a)Filmi më mbresëlënës?
"Jeta eshte e bukur" nga Benigni

17a)Piktori juaj i dashur?
Kandinsky, Van Gogh, Mark Rothko..

19a) Ngjyra juaj e preferuar?
E zeze, e kuqe dhe bojeqielli

19a)-Cilin quani, suksesin më të madh tuajin?
Diplomimin e masterit se shpejti

20a)Pija juaj e preferuar?
leng pjeshke :D dhe vere e bardhe

22a)Për çfarë jeni penduar më shumë?
per humbje kohe

22a)Çfarë urreni më shumë nga çdo gjë?
paaftesine per te bere zgjedhje te sakta

24a)Kur nuk shkruani, cili është hobi juaj i dashur?
driving around in my car, leximi, fotografia, udhetimi

25a)Frika juaj më e madhe?
gjarperinjte..i urrej..

26a)Në cilin rast, zgjidhni të thoni gënjeshtra?
shume rralle..kur e verteta do prishte shume pune

26a)Cila është moto-ja juaj?
kurre mos thuaj kurre!

27a)Si do preferonit të vdisnit?
duke qeshur..

28a)Nëse ju ndodhte të takonit zotin, çfarë do të donit t’ju thoshte?
well done my daughter

29a)Në ç’gjendje shpirtërore ndodheni kësi kohe?
rremuje...dimplomimi, pune e re, njohje te reja,
e lumtur ndoshta, dhe pak e shqetesuar ne te njejten kohe.

Friday, May 11, 2007

well.. hmmm... what can you say...

Strangers in Albania

They actually sound pretty good..

Desert Rose.. ??

THis song is emotional, for some right Elejdis?

TIRONA... in the remix

falenderojm peshkunpaujeper kete link ?

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Now you know whodunnit ;)

The post was edited because it was tooo gay.. the moral of the story is Serbia And Greece.. Don't fuck with Albanians

What the hell is going on... Islam missrepresented!!!

I hear the show below is off the air due to the publicity that it got lately. However is pretty clear to see what kind of dirty war is in the table. I just don't get how those six al-qaida members went to a licenced dealer to buy arms to blow up the freakin military base in New Jersey. That just sounds tooooo stupid, or fishy, just an opinion. Whatever the case may be, the Albanians came out the loosers in this deal looking at what's going on in Kosovo and what not. I hope those loosers were not really fundamentalists.. for sure they were retarded!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Mother's day coming up?


Don't bother
I'll be fine
But she's waiting
The ring you gave to her will lose its shine
So don't bother, be unkind

For you, I'd give up all I own
And move to a communist country
If you came with me, of course
And I'd file my nails so they don't hurt you
And lose NO pounds, and learn about football ( it'd be
good if They learned about footbOll, and We learned about footbAll ;)

Shakira is like mexican food, spicy and delicious!...

Monday, May 07, 2007

more subliminal messages to come

Andain - beautiful things
Got up early, found somethings missing
My only name
No one else sees, but I got stuck,
Since forever came
Stop pushing moon for just a second
Then nothings changed
Who am I, this time where's my name?
I guess it crept awayNo one's calling for me at the door.
and unpredictable won't bother anymore.
Silently, it 's harder to ignore,
But straight ahead
There's nothing left to see
What's done is done
This life has got its hold on me
Just let it go, one man can never be

I forgot that I might see
So many beautiful things
I forgot that I might need
to find out
What life could bring
Beautiful things

Take this happy ending away(!?), its
All the same
God won't waste this simplicity on possibility. Get me up, wake me up, dreams a feeling
This trace of blame
Frozen still I thought I could stop,
now who's gonna wait.

No one's calling for me at the door.
and unpredictable won't bother anymore.
and silently gets harder to ignore.
but straight ahead, there's nothing left to see.
what's done is done, this life has got it's hold on me.
just let it go, what now can never be.
So many, beautiful things
So many, beautiful things

Now, I do, I do,
Cannot change my mind,
Did I think things through?
It was once my life - it was my life at one time

agent07 (remix)

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Ozomatli... in kathmandu, Nepal

pvd - togetherwewillconquer

Some ppl don't like this kind of music because according to them its too "light" or whatever, well, i'm not really into judging ppl's taste of music really..whatever makes your boat float.. unless they jump in the bandwagon for the sake of feeling "in".. anyways, if you do like trance this is worth checking out.

Funny dude

you tube politics

Friday, May 04, 2007

How wars start??! :)

The word on the street is that...follow carefully... :D

To the the left.....?!?!?! which left you're thinking?

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

IraK.... now and then

This is how the conflict in Irak should be resolved
Sorry we don't have any translators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO ALBANIA!!!!!!!!!

RihaNNa - umbrella

This is a self made video for rihaNNa - Umbrella. Becareful to read inbetween the lines ;)...this is the link for the video I also tried to do a website similar to the video! Here's the website
Why hate america

... Also not to miss is this performance. Funny how ppl can make money out
of breakin up.. or faking it who knows who cares, my point is this is how i really feel about my "irrepleaceable"

..she goes in a school in Providence, ironically providence was not really meant.. so far! - Providence - (E.K.;)or YOU can follow the links
linkone Blue Angel, Pensacola Beach 2003)

and this performance as well...

..Under construction!

..Under construction!
This blog has moved..!

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among other things i sleep eat and pollute the environment